Grown Ups
Synopsis: Thirty years after graduation from college, five friends (Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Kevin James, David Spade and Rob Schneider) are reunited to spend a weekend together. With their women (Salma Hayek, Maria Bello and Maya Rudolph) and children, they celebrate the holiday of July 4 in a house on the lake to celebrate the years of youth and remember the good times.
All have worked with Sandler on films before, but this is the first five movies that work together. Adam Sandler and Fred Wolf wrote the screenplay and direction is by Dennis Dugan. The film is produced by Sandler's production company Happy Madison.
Critical reception
The film has received negative reviews. Review aggregate Rotten Tomatoes reports that 10% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 148 reviews, with an average score of 3.3/10, and its consensus states that "Grown Ups' cast of comedy vets is amiable, but they're let down by flat direction and the scattershot, lowbrow humor of a stunted script." Metacritic awarded the film an average score of 30 out of 100 based on 32 reviews, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews".
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