Synopsis: The film begins with CIA agent Evelyn Salt being released from a North Korean prison, thanks to the help of Mike, a German arachnologist, who is a highly public figure. This is noted as against the CIA's wishes, who considered her expendable. Salt marries Mike after this ordeal.
The film cuts to Salt who, along with fellow agents Winter and Peabody, interrogates a Russian defector, Orlov, who tells her about "Day X", an operation organized by a powerful Russian spymaster during the Cold War, which will bring about the destruction of the United States. Orlov claims that for this purpose, during the 1970s an elite group of Soviet agents were trained from birth in such a rigorous way that their psychological conditioning makes them "unbreakable". He mentions that at the funeral of the recently deceased US Vice President in New York City, the visiting Russian President will be killed by Russian spy Evelyn Salt, whose real name is Chenkov.
“KA-12 KA-12 program... is a myth.” — Ev said.
This film is full of action and suspense at every second and you will glaze from beginning to end. The film was released on July 23, 2010 and had great critics.
Critical reception
The film received from generally mixed to positive reviews. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 61% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 209 reviews, with an rating average of 6 out of 10. Among Rotten Tomatoes' "Top Critics", which consists of popular and notable critics from the top newspapers, websites, television and radio programs,the film holds an overall approval rating of 58%, based on a sample of 36 reviews. Metacritic, which assigns a weighted average score out of 100 reviews from film critics, has a rating score of 65% based on 42 reviews, indicating generally favorable reviews.Watch the trailer:
Source: wikipédia, youtube.
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