Resident Evil 4: Afterlife
Synopsis: In a world ravaged by a viral infection, in which victims become undead, Alice continues his journey in search of survivors, taking them to safety. His deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A track promises a safe place for survivors and they go to Los Angeles, but when they get there they discover that the city is overrun by zombies and Alice and their allies are about to fall into a trap.
Critical reception
Resident Evil 4 has garnered critical acclaim, averaging a score of 96 on Metacritic. It has received dozens of awards from various organizations and stellar reviews from various video game websites.The game was considered by critics as a top contender for 2005's Game of the Year, and was seen as a successful crossover hit; the new gameplay alterations and immersive style appealed to many not previously familiar with the Resident Evil series. Nintendo Power named it their 2005 Game of the Year, ranked it number 1 on their list of the "Top 20 Best GameCube Games of All Time" in their 20th anniversary issue and ranked it second on their list of the best games of the 2000s. Resident Evil 4 was ranked number 1 on IGN's Top 99 Games of All Time list. The Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine named it the Game of the Year for the PlayStation 2. Game Informer gave both editions of Resident Evil 4 a perfect score, and along ranking number one on their list of "Best GameCube Games of All Time" they named it their 2005 Game of the Year. It tied with Kingdom Hearts II as Famitsu's Game of the Year 2005. Subsequently, Resident Evil 4 was named "Game of the Year" at the 2005 Spike TV Video Game Awards. Also, the G4 TV show X-Play named it the greatest game since the begining of the series in April 2003.
Resident Evil4: Afterlife, has the main character Milla Jovovich like Alice Clone, Ali Larter as Claire Redfield, Wentworth Miller as Chris Redfield (Claire's older brother), Kim Coates as Bennett, Shawn Roberts as Albert Wesker, Sergio Peris-Mencheta as Angel Ortiz, Spencer Locke as K-Mart, Boris Kodjoe as Luther West.
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